Tuesday, July 24, 2012


One thing I typically notice in a home are drapes, and more specifically, how they are hung. The way your drapes are hung can make a huge difference in making your home feel bright and spacious. 
Below is a picture of incorrectly and correctly hung drapery. It may seem like a small difference, but in design, sometimes its the smallest things that make the biggest impact. Trust me on this one. On the left, you can see that the drapes are hung just above the window. Never do this. It will make your ceiling height feel shorter, and space feel smaller. The drapes on the right are an example of correctly hung drapes. The drapery rod is hung just below the crown molding and the rod is extended beyond the window on both sides, making the window appear larger and letting more light in when the drapes are pushed back. In the end your space will feel bigger as your eye will be drawn up towards the ceiling, instead of cut off at the window height. 
Two simple points to keep in mind:
1. Hang the drapes as high as you can above the window frame. Sure, they'll be longer and you'll spend a bit more on fabric, but the added length will pay dividends in perceived ceiling height. 3-5 " inches below the crown molding the recommended. 
2. When measuring for drapes, it's important to consider how they'll look when stacked (ie. opened), and order the widths and poles accordingly. Ideally, a set of stacked drapes will just cover the window frame but none of the glass. This makes the most of the available light, and gives the impression of wider windows. Depending on the weight of your drapes and the type of pleating, you'll need a good 8-15 extra inches of drapery rod on either side of the window.
Here are some great examples of properly hung drapes: 
*Notice how tall the space looks.

*Side note: 
Never is it okay to use the term "curtain". ALWAYS use the term "drape". If you are wanting to sound more like a designer, may I suggest that you start with your vocabulary. ;)

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